Friday, August 3, 2007

Microsoft Coffee Table

Popular Mechanics Microsoft Surface Video - Touchscreen, Multi Touch Coffee Table: "The software giant has built a new touchscreen computer—a coffee table that will change the world. Go inside its top-secret development with, then forget the keyboard and mouse: The next generation of computer interfaces will be hands-on."

Way cool.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

African Bushmen Track Wildlife with PDAs

Discovery Channel :: News - Technology African Bushmen Track Wildlife with PDAs: "In Africa, one might expect to see a lion with a fresh kill, a baboon with a toothy grin, or an elephant with its herd. But a Bushman with a PalmPilot? It's possible.

Expert hunters and gatherers such as the Bushmen, the indigenous people of the Kalahari Desert, are being equipped with smart phones with special software for tracking plants and animals. Called CyberTracker, the free program combines a database of icons of animals and plants with GPS software to allow people who cannot read or write to record complex information."